Take advantage of Wordshark Online over the holidays!

Over the holidays, the ‘summer slide’ is a worry, especially for the children that have missed a lot of school and those with SEND.

The good news is that with a little time invested in learning over the summer, students can come back to school feeling confident and happy. So do encourage your students to play the games – to keep their minds active ready for the next term – it will make a lot of difference.

Wordshark Online continues to be available to students, as normal, during the holidays so it’s worth taking advantage!

You might like to confirm this in a letter or email to parents about holiday tasks. Encourage parents to take an interest in their children’s favourite games and their progress.


Remind students/parents:

  • Playing a few Wordshark games during the holidays will make returning to school even better!

  • Think of how you can fit your Wordshark time into some of the summer days!

  • Click on the orange ‘My Play Words’ banner to see each new word list – be a detective – work out why these words have been put in the same list

  • Remember that not all the games tabs will be there all the time – but a changing selection.

  • Keep your login details safe – it may not be possible to get help from the school if you lose them!

  • There’s the weekly ‘pop-up’ in Wordshark, showing how you’re getting on!

  • Your teacher will also be able to see your progress and reward you next term for your hard work!


For teachers:

Over the holidays it may be unlikely you will be setting work so there will be greater reliance on ‘Supershark‘ – the course with automatic progression. Looking at the Wordshark Course content, make sure you are happy with the place they are at in the course. If you want to change this – just go to Set Work and select the button Change Level -Supershark. From here you can easily follow through and reset any student to the place you want. View full instructions

You could also consider opening up access to ‘Free Play’ during holidays if your students work in Supershark in term time. Click here for some information about Free Play and how to switch it on.

If you or any of your colleagues have any questions during school time OR during holidays about using the program, just get in touch! https://www.wordshark.co.uk/about-us/contact-us/


By the Wordshark Team!
